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Made withGodot


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I  keep getting stuck on the beginning where you select the options. I'm looking forward to this due to it being one of the most appealing games I have found so far that I haven't seen but uhh could you maybe fix the game getting stuck? The UI? It looks pretty decent I think. This stuff was apparently fixed months ago?


i cant get after sex positions. i know you are working on it as i have read them, i just wanted to know  the progress


liked the UI over all, hard to be sure without seeing more of the game. REALLY looking forward to this though


Thanks! I'll be continuing work. I'll have it done by tomorrow. Thanks for the kind words :)


stuck on the sex positions choice.


Same here





Sorry everyone! I'll be revising this soon. Thanks for looking at my work! 


Personally the UI is easy to read, and understand the only thing I'm curious about is if in the future there'll be more options for masters or if it will continue to be just the one.


Hey just a quick question, is this meant to play only in PC, cuz I've tried in my phone and it didn't work :(

Hey, what phone do u have? I tried it on my android (S20) and it works just fine 

it works on chrome + stock browser

i have oppo A37fw but ill play in pc :D


How do you get beyond the sex positions?


That's all i have currently.  Im not sure if the UI for choices is quite good, so I'm still working on it. 

Afterwords theres gonna be some lite rpg text choice stuff with different encounters. 

Since you've read up to there - what do you think of the UI?

Is everything readable? Any big options that you think I should add? Is the music too distracting? 

music is ok, we just need more content :) still dont see "gameplay", only choices, but still dont understand if some choices cancels other choices or determine others

Thanks for the feedback! I'll be revising this pretty soon.